Nato continues its air strikes in Libya

September 16, 2011 | categories: Politics, Libya | View Comments

Despite the declared "victory" and the fall of the Gaddafi regime in late August, NATO continues to conduct daily air strikes across Libya.

"All sorties" is the daily number of individual aircraft that NATO flew into Libya. "Strike sorties" is the number of warplanes that drop bombs and missiles.

Since the beginning of the NATO operation on Mar 31, a total of 22,817 sorties, including 8,560 strike sorties, have been conducted.

The chart is based on data published by NATO, and it will be regularly updated. You may download and reuse the chart freely using the download icon in the top-right corner. You may also want to download the raw data in TSV format.

Related: here is a map of sixteen cities that NATO attacked between Aug 22 and Sep 16:

I'm also hosting an archive of 854 articles from the Libyan state news agency's website, some of which contain detailed accounts of Nato attacks. The site was shut down last week.

Update Sep 16: @drebha sent me this link to an online spreadsheet that also has the number of sorties, along with many more details extracted from NATO's documents.

See also: Nato bombs residential buildings in Libya